Embrace and Cultivate Your Feminine Energy: Part 2


Last week we chatted about masculine and feminine energy and what to do about an overidentification with masculine energy. If you missed it, check it out here.

Today I want to share my tips for embracing and embodying your innate feminine energy. This post is for everyone! All people contain both masculine and feminine energy, and chronic imbalances negatively impact all people regardless of sex or gender.

In case you need a refresher, this chart outlines aspects of masculine and feminine energy.

Masculine Energy (3).png

I’ve already explained that, due to the nature of our culture, most Americans have an overidentification with masculine energy and underdeveloped feminine energy. After addressing the overidentification with masculine energy, the next step is to cultivate the feminine energy.

Curious about how to do that? Read on!

1.       Rest

Some of you might be rolling your eyes right now (if that’s you – go back and read my last post), but I’m here to tell you that if you don’t step off of the treadmill, you’ll eventually run yourself to death. If you don’t pick a day to rest your body, your body will pick it for you. I’d personally prefer to enjoy my rest days rather be in bed suffering from a cold or a migraine.

Rest is so challenging for many in our society (particularly for women who are told they must “do it all”). Remember, it is a courageous choice to rest. When you rest, you honor your body and spirit’s natural cycles, you make space to receive, and prepare yourself for the next wave of active, masculine energy.

Make rest a priority by scheduling it into your week. And make a commitment to yourself to honor your need for rest when it makes itself known. For example, you might realize that you need rest instead of a night out with your friends – instead of feeling worried about disappointing your friends, you chose to honor your need for rest and stay home. True friends will encourage you to honor your needs.

2.       Listen within

Feminine energy emerges when you allow space and time for her to make herself known. Have you ever heard intuition described as the still small voice within? That’s feminine energy, and she won’t speak to you if you won’t ever shut up. As part of my personal practice, I “fast” from outside voices whenever I recognize the need to go inward. On the chosen day, I do not look at my phone, engage with social media, watch television, listen to music with lyrics, or read. I also limit in-person conversations as much as possible. I spend time in nature, meditating, practicing yoga, and resting. This fast allows me to quiet the external voices and really connect with my intuition. It also serves as a welcome break from the consume-produce cycle of masculine energy. I recommend giving it a try! If a complete fast feels like too much for you, perhaps just try it for a couple of hours – it might be difficult to ditch your phone, but I promise you will feel replenished.

3.       Create

Feminine energy expresses herself through creativity. Make time for your favorite creative endeavors. Things like writing, drawing, painting, photography, sewing, ceramics, cooking, baking, dancing, playing an instrument, and singing are all good examples. Think you have no creative passions? Take a moment to consider what you loved as a child – don’t worry at all about whether you think you were any good at those things. For example, as a child I loved writing poetry. Some adults in my life gave me the idea that poetry was silly and an unworthy pursuit, so I stopped writing. This year I realized I still have a desire to write poetry, so I write it! I don’t put any pressure on myself to produce poems, I just allow them to come to me. Creativity needs time and space to come forward, just make yourself open, and see what flows through you.

4.       Receive

Did reading that word make you hold your breath? It does for me sometimes, if I’m being honest. Receiving can be a challenge because our culture honors self-reliance, producing, independence, and achievement. For many, acknowledging the very human need to receive can feel like admitting to a secret failure. Do your work to address this limiting belief (see last week’s post), and then allow yourself to receive. Here are some ideas on how to do that:

·       Get a massage

·       Allow a friend to hold space for you while you vent

·       Let a family member cook a meal for you

·       Get your groceries delivered

·       Be honest when someone asks if they can help you

·       Be honest when someone asks you what you want

·       Serve yourself first at meals

·       Ask for what you need


While embracing and honoring feminine energy is no easy task in our culture, it is so important. Collectively in Western society, feminine energy has been demeaned and repressed for millennia. You might find that you have significant barriers to accessing your feminine energy. Don’t despair – she’s in there! Take your time with these tips and remember that it is a journey toward balance.

When we are balanced energetically, we feel good physically, mentally, and spiritually. When we honor the feminine energy inside us, we model balance for others and empower them to seek balance themselves. Right now we are in the midst of a collective shift toward balance between masculine and feminine energy. You have the power to bring about that shift for yourself and everyone around you!

Of these tips, which one resonated with you the most? Do you have other ideas about how to cultivate feminine energy? Let me know in the comments below!