The way motherhood should be
We were not meant to mother alone, separated from a village of support, and separated from nature. Mothers today struggle with loneliness, anxiety, depression, and feelings of disconnectedness — I know, I’ve been there! What if I told you there is a place where you can go every week to feel seen and supported by other mothers, to experience the peace of the natural world, and to watch your baby or young child play happily nearby? Wouldn’t that be wonderful? Wouldn’t that feel like the way motherhood should be? This place is real! Come on, mama, I saved you a seat under the pines.
Welcome to the Light of Pine Community — a weekly Waldorf-inspired nature play group and mothers’ circle set right here in beautiful Maine. Each week we gather to observe and enjoy nature, contemplate and discuss our motherhood journey, and let our children play freely. We sing, dance, play games, and tell stories that are inspired by the rhythms of nature. Each week is sure to inspire and delight!
I’m Sara, the founder of the Light of Pine Community. I have a background in early childhood education and social work, I’m a certified children’s yoga teacher, and I even worked as a children’s wilderness trip leader. I’m also a trained doula and certified prenatal and postnatal yoga teacher. Through my educational and professional experiences, I gained some wonderful insights into family life, child development, interpersonal communication, and the sociological and personal aspects of the motherhood experience. I’m a wife, friend, sister, daughter, and best of all, I’m a mother. I grew up here in Southern Maine and felt a deep love of nature from a young age. After experiencing a difficult transition into motherhood, I found daily time spent in nature to be essential to my healing and well-being. Along the way, I realized time in nature is also essential to the well-being of my energetic, mud-loving son. Spending time in the natural world helped me to not only feel connected to everything around me, but also to understand my unique and irreplaceable role in life as a mother. Eventually I saw motherhood, with its deep connection to nature, as a profoundly sacred experience, even (and perhaps most especially) when it was messy, mundane, or downright dark and difficult. I’ve spent my motherhood journey exploring these ideas and look forward to discussing them with you!
Who is this group for?
This group was created for mothers and their babies and children aged 6 and under. Pregnant mamas are welcome too!
When and where?
New for Summer 2024! Many of you have asked for a LOPCO location in the Scarborough/Saco area, and I’m happy to announce one for Summer 2024! In order to keep mothers and children feeling as safe as possible, exact location will be disclosed upon registration. Rest assured, it’s a delightful spot that is easy to access!
Mondays July 8 - August 12 10:00am-11:30am
In an effort to be accessible, we offer a tiered payment system:
Tier 1: $200 per season, this tier is for families who are currently experiencing financial abundance and feel called to support another family who needs assistance in order to participate. *Any funds in excess will be set aside for scholarships for families in need.
Tier 2: $150 per season, this tier is the standard cost to enroll. It covers the time my assistant and I spend planning, organizing, and facilitating the program, and it covers any materials we need as well as continuing education so we can bring you the very best experience possible!
Tier 3: $100 per season, this tier is for families who are currently experiencing financial difficulty and need community support in order to participate.
Drop in: $30 per class (includes mother and child/children)
If you find that you require assistance beyond tier 3, please reach out!
Summer 2024 Themes
This season we will explore fairies, butterflies, the sun, water, rocks, and flowers. Activities will include building fairy houses, singing and dancing with silk scarves to imitate butterflies, creating floral suncatchers, making “sun tea,” creating wool felt river rocks, exploring the science of “sink or float,” and practicing identifying flowers and insects.
I’m already so busy! why should i make time for this group?
As a homebody myself, I certainly understand the value of limiting commitments! Ultimately only you can decide what is best for you and your family. I believe this group can be a worthwhile commitment for mothers who are longing for community and structured time to nurture their emotions and spirit. Unlike other groups that focus mostly on the child’s experience, this group is especially designed to meet the needs of both mother and child. It is also a unique opportunity for your child to enjoy observing and interacting with a mixed-age group!
What will the rhythm of the group be like?
Before each meeting, you will receive an invitation to journal or contemplate a discussion prompt. Our group will begin with an opening circle and song, a guided nature exploration activity, then children will transition into free play, and mothers will enjoy some time to connect and discuss the prompt. Our group will close with a song, game, or story. Some weeks we may take our meeting “on the move” and enjoy a nature walk instead of staying in one place.
won’t the kids just run off? what about safety?
Well, yes! Of course they will run off. We will work together to set and maintain boundaries around safety. While each mother is ultimately responsible for her own child/children, we will support each other in keeping everyone safe and comfortable.
Do you really meet outside all year?
Yes! Mainers are a hardy bunch! As long as it is physically safe to be out of doors, we will meet. Spending time with your child outside in all kinds of weather builds resilience and a positive attitude. In the winter months, time spent in nature is a wonderful remedy for Seasonal Affective Disorder (something I struggle with myself). Winter is filled with magic for children! As long as you are dressed properly, you won’t regret getting outside.
In the event of unsafe weather or driving conditions, we will delay or reschedule our meeting.
Did you know it’s common practice for babies and young children in Scandinavia to nap outside? You can absolutely bring along your stroller (or even a moses basket) for a portable nap! If nap time is directly before or after we meet, you could consider arriving early or staying late and going for a long walk while your baby naps in the stroller. And of course, it is always okay to hold a sleeping babe in your arms or a carrier while we meet.
What does “waldorf-inspired” mean?
I discovered the magic of Waldorf education when my son was about 6 months old. After reading many books, listening to many podcasts, and even taking some workshops, I felt sure that a Waldorf-style education was right for my family. Waldorf education is a “head, hands, and heart” education, meaning it attends to a child’s physical, mental, and spiritual needs. It honors childhood as a special and sacred time of life. It also emphasizes the essential role of personal and spiritual development for the parent or teacher. You can read more about the Waldorf philosophy here.
Interested in participating but can’t make our current meeting time? Sign up for our waitlist! We will consider adding additional programming based on interest.