
Hi there!

Welcome to Light of Pine. I hope you’re going to like it here.


Here you’ll find inspiration for living a clean, wholesome life - free of the toxins (literal and energetic) that weigh you down and hold you back from true wellness. I’ll be sharing all the knowledge I’ve gleaned on my own journey — clean beauty swaps, ways to breathe through stress and discomfort, how to incorporate pounds of berries into your weekly meal plan (ha, I’m kidding - sort of).

As a girl, I dreamed of becoming a writer one day. Like many kids with creative ambitions, I got the unfortunate message that I should focus my attention on more “practical” things. I put down my poetry notebook and went to work pleasing my teachers by being a good student.

Recently, I realized that little girl who loved weaving words together is still a part of me. She deserves her chance to write and be heard. About two years ago, after carefully considering what it is I would like to share, I conceived the idea of Light of Pine. It’s finally being born today.

I can’t wait to share my heart with you. I know so many are on a similar path to healing and wellness and I hope to be a light on the journey ahead.

I hope you’ll join me on this new adventure!